Protect Prairie Dog Colonies and Bald Eagles
on Louisville, CO Open Space

September 15, 2024


On September 18, a Zoom presentation entitled “Bald Eagles and Habitat Preservation in the Northern Colorado Front Range: The Stearns Lake Territory at a Crossroads” was held.  If you were able to attend and sign the petition (bottom right side of this page), thank you very much!  If you were not able to attend, the presentation can be watched in the video below.

The City of Louisville, Colorado is nearing the final stages of a plan that would permit the eradication of all prairie dogs and their habitat on City of Louisville open space and parks lands adjacent to the northern boundary of the Red Tail Ridge development. Currently, nearly 130 acres of active prairie dog colonies span both the Red Tail Ridge site and the open space lands to the north, which will be transferred to the City of Louisville by the developer.

These 130 acres are critical hunting grounds for the Stearns territorial bald eagles and other predators that depend on the prairie dog population for sustenance. To ensure the survival of the Stearns bald eagles, which have now become permanent residents in the area, we, the undersigned, urge the City of Louisville to preserve the prairie dog colonies and their habitat on the lands ceded by the Red Tail Ridge developers.

Not only is the survival of the Stearns bald eagles tied to the conservation of these prairie dog colonies, but the removal of this essential food source would also constitute a violation of federal law under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.


Front Range Nesting Bald Eagle Studies

Voice your support for the prairie dogs and eagles by filling in the petition below. Categories in red are REQUIRED; those in black are optional.

If you wish to leave a personal comment about why this issue is important to you, please write a short paragraph in the last category of the petition. Another way you could really make a personal impact would be to email the City Council of Louisville, CO.  Suggested topics to include in the email:

  • The preservation of prairie dog colonies on Louisville Open Space and other lands north of the Red Tail Ridge Development is essential to maintaining the health and well-being of the Stearns nesting bald eagles.
  • Any action resulting in the significant reduction or elimination of the prairie dog colonies or on adjacent to the Red Tail Ridge Development—including lands ceded to the City of Louisville—will remove a vital food source for these federally-protected Stearns bald eagles.
  • I urge the City of Louisville to recognize the critical importance of protecting the Stearns bald eagles, a symbol of national significance and a species deeply cherished by our community. Preserve the prairie dogs and their habitat on City of Louisville land that will be ceded from the developer. 

A Petition: Protect Prairie Dog Colonies and Bald Eagles on Louisville Open Space

437 signatures

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